



Ghana Manganese Company

Consmin, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, owns 90% of Ghana Manganese Company Limited (GMC). The remaining 10% is owned by the Government of Ghana. Operations from this mine have a history stretching back to 1916 when the first manganese material was mined from the site.

GMC owns and operates the Nsuta manganese mine in the western region of Ghana. GMC holds a mining concession for manganese over an area of 175 square kilometres in and around Nsuta in the Western Region of Ghana, less than 3% of which has been mined to date. GMC ore is one of the highest manganese-to-iron ratio ores in the market (Mn:Fe ~31) and is low in phosphorous, alumina and other heavy metal impurities, making it well-suited for both alloy and manganese metal production.

Nsuta is in very close proximity to Tarkwa, which is a well-established mining centre due to the large gold mining activities around it.

The company has a support office situated in Accra where most of the interaction with regulators and executive functions are performed. Furthermore, the company operates and owns its own ship loading facilities in the port of Takoradi. Ore is hauled either by rail or road trucks to the port stockpiles prior to loading on vessels. A transshipment (TSV) system is in place, enabling the company to load cape-sized vessels up to 200kt. The Takoradi Port Facility is approximately 63km by rail or 92km by road. Headquarter and operations management is located at the mine site along with all other administrative functions. The company has access to all modern forms of communication and is fully connected.

Reserves and Resources

Category Mt Mn%
Total Reserves 45.01 28.16%
Total Resources 101.30 26.80%

* As at 31 December 2014 (CIM 2012 and JORC 2012 Codes)